Maria Magdalena Raileanu

The company was founded in 2000 by Doña María Magdalena, after checking himself the lack of professionalism in this type of service.

He decided to create a service in which we prioritize the professionalism in this kind of service

To which he surrounded himself with a small young team in the area and since MHS hasn't stopped growing

We currently maintain more than a hundred villas and still Dona Maria continues to serve customers just like the first day, the proof is that the contact number that appears on the web is their number, so do not hesitate to call and ask about Doña Maria check what it can do for you.

Rent or Sell Your House

Alquile o venda su casa


Right now the rental market is in an upward point which we must seize. If you are interested in selling or renting your home we can help you in...